
Real Births, Real Stories

Anastasia K.

“Albina was such a blessing to have by my side during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Going into birth, I was scared and had so many questions and big decisions to make. Albina helped me research what was best for me and guided me through every step.

When I went into labor in the middle of the night, she responded within a minute and met me at the hospital right away. She stayed with me until after the birth, handling everything so I could focus on having my baby and, surprisingly, enjoy the experience. Even when there were challenges, she ensured I had the best birth possible.

Albina is incredibly knowledgeable about everything related to pregnancy, birth, and labor. She created a beautiful environment for me on that day, turning what I thought would be a scary experience into the best and most beautiful time ever. As a believer, it was important to me that she shared my faith and prayed the name of Jesus over me throughout the process, reminding me of God's promises.

She also took care of my husband, who had a horrible migraine, supporting him so he could support me. Even after birth, she continues to be there for me during times I feel lost. Lord willing, I'm so excited to have her by my side for all my future births.”

Karina Y.

“I met with Albina Kozlov towards the end of my pregnancy with my second baby. I had an IUGR pregnancy, my baby was in breech position & was measuring very small, below the 2nd percentile. We had a lot of decisions to make to bring her into this world. Albina helped us in so many ways to make an informed decision, with absolutely no pressure or judgement. She had a huge calming presence when we received so much difficult news in such a short span of time.

Having a doula that can help you make the right decision was so important to us. We ultimately made the decision to have the safest, most peaceful delivery via c-section at 37 weeks gestation. We were well educated of all the risks AND all success rates for IUGR cases. We also were informed on the risks and success rates on doing the ECV procedure to flip our baby that was IUGR. With all of this information, it made our decision making far clearer & we knew exactly what our hearts were at peace with moving forward. Come to find out after her birth that we made every decision perfectly according to the well being of our baby & I know I couldn't have made these choices without the help of Albina's expertise and research.

She was nearby the entire time, created a peaceful calm environment amidst all of the anxiety, I truly don't know how I would've done it without her. After the birth of my daughter, my husband left to be with her in the nicu & Albina didn't leave my side until I felt comfortable enough & she had left me to rest until my baby & I were reunited.

No matter the route you go, whether it's a vaginal birth or cesarean, booking with Albina will ultimately transform your birth in every way. I look back at the birth I was so scared for & only have amazing memories. She was my ultimate support, my advocate & a wonderful addition to my delivery.”

Kristina P.

“Мы с мужем приехали с Украины и забеременели уже здесь, в Америке. За профессию доулы я никогда не слышала и не планировала брать ее к себе на роды. С Альбиной мы познакомились случайно и начали работать аж на 8м месяце моей беременности. Но ми все успели согласовать и решить. Она прекрасно объяснила мне как проходят роды в Америке, чего ожидать и к чему быть готовыми. Мы обсудили все варианты развития событий.  Так как наш английский язык не идеален, Альбина была так же нашим переводчиком в больнице. Она провела с нами целый день в больнице и очень мне помогла. Я и представить не могла, что мои роды с доулой будут такими легкими. Я полностью ей доверяла и слушала все ее подсказки.

Спасибо Альбине, что разделила этот день с нами и помогла нам пройти этот путь, появления нашей дочери на этот свет!”

Katie K.

“For me the most valuable was my established relationship with my doula. She was a big support during my pregnancy, everything leading up to birth, and even postpartum. Having her check in often towards the due date was helping me stay positive. Any question I had she has answered me with valuable information and vanished my concerns that I had. 

I value the help during labor and especially postpartum, seeing her engage so well with my kids to get some rest was very helpful!

Albina clicked with my husband which was very important to me, she showed him what would help me while laboring while bringing her oils and setting a relaxing environment before I even got to the birthing center. I walked into a running diffuser and relaxing music. I'm glad I had someone behind all my decisions and supported them. Thank you very much Albina, you are my answered desire that I had a while ago!”

Inga T.

“My name is Inga Timosenco. I gave birth to a 7,13 pound baby. On ultrasound showed that my baby was really big. So they insisted to get me induced or do a c-section. My doula has sent me information about how on ultrasound they are wrong most of the time. So I chose to wait and see if I can go into labour on my own. Since my doctor kept on pushing on me, I agreed to get induced on my due date. When I came in, few hours later while we were waiting for them to settle everything in, my water broke, so I refused the induction. My doctor kept pushing me to get induced. My doula Albina helped me with standing my ground, so I insisted to wait for my contractions to get more intense. Which did, 2 hours later. Albina took turns with my husband by pressing on my hips and doing other things to make my contractions less painful. Also, Albina put some oil on my back which calmed me down. She showed me how to breathe the right way, and helped me not to give up. She spent about 12 hours with me! I was very comfortable, I had the lights off, calm music, and calming essential oils.

Thank you Albina for making my birth experience so special! I am so happy that we finally have a doula in our community!”

Faina B.

“I recently had the pleasure of working with Albina as my doula, and I cannot recommend her highly enough. From the very beginning, she was incredibly supportive, ensuring I felt confident and prepared for the journey ahead.

Albina taught me proper breathing techniques that made a significant difference during labor. Her massages with essential oils were not only soothing but also helped keep my mind off the discomfort. One of the standout aspects of her service was how she allowed my husband to take a break when needed, ensuring he was also well-supported throughout the process.

Albina was a strong advocate for us, making sure our voices were heard and our wishes respected. She also helped us develop a comprehensive birthing plan, which brought a sense of peace to the entire experience. Her calm and reassuring presence was invaluable.

The pre and post-meetings with Albina were super helpful, providing us with the necessary tools and information to feel prepared and supported. Overall, Albina's guidance and care made our birthing experience truly special!”

Polina S.

“Ми безмежно вдячні Альбіні за її підтримку під час і після пологів! Вона створила просто неймовірну атмосферу для розслаблення, допомагала, підтримувала, і те, як вона здавлювала таз під час перейм – це щось неймовірне, що справді полегшувало біль. Її набір масел для дитини, який вона нам подарувала, – просто дивовижний, а масло та грілка для животика, яку зробила її мама, дійсно дуже допомогли мені у відновленні після пологів. Що особливо цінно – Альбіна не лишає тебе після пологів, а продовжує підтримувати. Її післяпологовий візит був справжньою турботою – вона навіть принесла нам домашній хліб! Це було так тепло й приємно. Ми раді, що саме Альбіна була нашою дулою!”

Aleksandra R.

“I had an overall positive experience! From the beginning we had so much in common, from birth approaches to how we perceive reality! Albinas approaches was very education oriented and her love of Yahushua really shined through. When I was in labor it was her strong confident voice that got me out of the car when I didn't want to move and when we got into the birthing room the first words out of her mouth were "let's pray" I admire that of her! I would totally love to work with her again if the time comes! Highly recommend her!”

Rachel B.

“Albina is an amazing doula and friend! I was praying and praying for the Lord to show me to a Christian, Spirit- led doula. He sure did and He didn’t disappoint! 

After my first traumatic birth and delivery, I knew I wanted another support person/ advocate with me during my second birth and delivery. 

Albina has been so, so helpful before, during, and after my second birth.  She’s answered many of my questions/ concerns. Albina always answered to the best of her ability and if she didn’t quite know the answer, she’d do research and get back to me with an answer. She’s never made me feel “dumb” for asking any questions or expressing how I felt. She was there to support me through it all! 

Also to add, how amazing she was to pray for me and with me through this season. That was absolutely meaningful to me and I thank God for her always.

If you're looking for a doula/ support person for your birth and delivery, look no further! I've been recommending Albina to all my pregnant friends and soon to be mommas.

So thank you Albina for all you’ve done (and continue to do) for me. You’ve helped me more than you know! God bless you!”

Ilona G.

“I really wanted to have a natural birth with my third baby this time, so I knew I wanted to have a doula with me! Albina kept in touch with me throughout my pregnancy & later  met with my husband and I and was really invested in our story. She listened and was very supportive of what we wanted for this birth. Towards the end of pregnancy she came to our house and we had a birth meeting, where she showed my husband some techniques and counter pressure positions to help me during contractions (they worked amazingly) we both felt so much more prepared by the end of that meeting. 

During my actual labor, I had a very fast birth, and it was so nice to have a woman by my side. Having my husband next to me was great, but I believe every woman should have another woman by her side, supporting her in a way that man can't! She encouraged me when it got tough, and helped me feel comfortable and confident throughout the process. I highly recommend Albina, you won't regret having her by your side.”

Gloria C.

“To begin with Albina did a good job with making note of the things I did and did not want during labor and delivery. During the last months of pregnancy sending encouraging verses and prayers. Would answer all questions I had. When I was in active labor she was there doing everything she could to make the hospital room feel more calming. The biggest blessing was having her there as an advocate. Several different times Dr wanted to do things that Albina caught and made sure Dr explained. An example was that They weren't able to get a heart rate for baby and Dr mentioned getting that, I agreed thinking they will just put a monitor on my belly. Albina told the Dr that I wasn't understanding what she meant and to explain so Dr said it's a probe that goes into the skull. After I heard that I instantly refused. But it truly made me realize how important it is to have someone there to speak up for you. So thankful to have had the pleasure having Albina there.”

Anastasiya F.

“I am incredibly grateful for Albina’s unwavering support throughout my entire birthing experience. While her guidance and resources before birth were immensely helpful, it was during labor that her true value as a doula became clear. She was an essential part of my journey, coaching me through the most challenging moments and encouraging my son’s arrival with exercises and reassurance.
Albina acted as my advocate with the medical staff, asking the right questions and suggesting thoughtful approaches that ensured I could stay true to my birth plan—something I couldn’t have done without her. During the birth, she was my rock, a steadfast partner who brought calm and confidence to the experience.
Her postpartum visit, filled with encouraging and loving advice, was another testament to her genuine care and dedication. I wholeheartedly recommend Albina to anyone seeking a doula. She will be your voice, your guide, and your unwavering support.”